
2/9 Seminar “Are Market Conditions Better in Achieving Gender Equality than…”

IGS seminar: Are Market Conditions Better in Achieving Gender Equality than Politics? Abe’s ‘Womenomics’ and Beyond


ジェンダー研究所では、アネッテ・シャート=ザイフェルト特別招聘教授によるセミナー「経済効果は政策よりもジェンダー平等達成に有効か? 安倍政権の『ウーマノミクス』以降」を開催します。安倍政権による「女性が輝く社会づくり」政策とその成果を検証する内容です。講義は英語ですが、質疑応答・討論には日英言語でご参加いただけます。大学院生・教員・研究者を対象としていますが、学部生の参加も歓迎します。


Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has initiated a progressive plan since 2013 to boost the employment and the empowerment of women. The policy is innovatively called ‘womenomics’ and is the mainstay of Abe’s economic growth strategy. Evidently, the recommendations of various international economic organisations have had a significant impact on shaping Abe’s new gender policy. The World Economic Forum, the International Monetary Fund, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Goldman Sachs Investment Bank are urging Japan’s public and private business organisations to reform their corporate structures in order to adapt the economic sector to the requirements of an ageing society. An important part of this policy is to improve women’s participation in the labour market as well as in political leadership.

In recent years, the government has implemented measures for gender equality in the workplace as part of Japan’s Basic Law for Gender Equality. Yet, the rate of participation of Japanese women in the labour force is still low compared to that in other OECD nations. Japanese mothers, especially, find it difficult to balance a professional career and childrearing. It is obvious that the family policy measures of the Gender Equality Law have had little impact on the labour market, so far. The Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) government is therefore working on framing a policy aimed at improving Japan’s diversity and gender equality scores. The basis of this policy is to develop a highly qualified female workforce. However, the question remains whether the business sector will provide an environment flexible enough and attractive enough for women to pursue their careers, while balancing a family and childrearing.

This seminar explores why empowering women is considered an economic advantage and whether market conditions are providing better incentives to achieving gender equality than state politics.


参加申込:Registration form 参加申込フォーム   *学内向けのセミナーです。

主催: ジェンダー研究所
