- Journal of Gender Studies No.21
- June,2018
- Introduction for the Special Section
Ki-young Shin
- Too Soft and Feminine: Masculinity and the Gender Gap in the 2016 US Presidential Election
Melissa Deckman
- A Woman at the Top of the Ticket: The Role of Gender in the 2016 Presidential Election
Julie Dolan
- Between Reproduction and Production: Womenomics and the Japanese Government’s Approach to Women and Gender Policies
Hiroko Takeda
- Gender, Election Campaigns, and the First Female President of South Korea
Ki-young Shin
- Interview with Mari Miura:The Gender Parity Law in Japan: The Potential to Change Women’s Under-representation
- Journal of Gender Studies No.20
- March,2017
Susan HIMMELWEIT, “Changing Norms of Social Reproduction in an Age of Austerity”
- Journal of Gender Studies No.19
- March,2016
- Journal of Gender Studies No.18
- March,2015
Chang-Ling HUANG, “Uneasy Alliance: State Feminism and the Conservative Government in Taiwan”
- Journal of Gender Studies No.17
- March,2014
Parichatt KRONGKANT, “Aged People’s Evacuation Decisions in Response to Typhoon Warning: Case Study of a Rural Southern Village in Thailand”
- Journal of Gender Studies No.16
- March,2013
Susan HIMMELWEIT, “Care: Feminist Economic Theory and Policy Challenges”
- Journal of Gender Studies No.15
- March,2012
Diane ELSON, “Finance, Production and Reproduction in the Context of Globalization and Economic Crisis”
Maria S. FLORO, “The Crises of Environment and Social Reproduction: Understanding their Linkages”
Marina DURANO, “Analyzing ODA from a Feminist Perspective”
- Journal of Gender Studies No.14
- March,2011
Julie A. NELSON, “For Love or Money? Current Issues in the Economics of Care”
Sabrina REGMI, “Women’s Micro-business Creation for Women’s Empowerment or Family’s Welfare? Case of Nepalese Rural Women”
Eva Feder KITTAY, “From the Ethics of Care to Global Justice”
- Journal of Gender Studies No.13
- March,2010
- Journal of Gender Studies No.12
- March,2009
Barbara Pocock, Natalie Skinner and Philippa Williams, “Work-life ‘Balance’ in Australia: The State of Play”
Mary Runte, “Work-Family Conflict: Fighting the ‘Good Fight’”
Rey Chow, “Autumn Hearts: Filming Feminine “Psychic Interiority” in Song of the Exile”
Keiko Nitta, ““Autumn Hearts” /「愁」, or, Poetics of Memory and Oblivion: A Response to Rey Chow’s “Autumn Hearts””
Nahoko Yamaguchi, “Impossible Nostalgia in Song of the Exile: A Response to Rey Chow’s “Autumn Hearts””
- Journal of Gender Studies No.11
- March,2008
Heidi Gottfried, “Reflections on Intersectionality: Gender, Class, Race and Nation”
Ki-young Shin, “A Development of the “Jinbo” Women’s Movement in Korea Since the 1980s”
- Journal of Gender Studies No.10
- March,2007
Rhacel Salazar Parreñas, “Benevolent Paternalism and Migrant Women: The Case of Migrant Filipina Entertainers in Japan”
Eli Bartra and Kanae Omura, “Gender and Japanese Folk Art: Shunkei Lacquers and Edo Hagoita”
- Journal of Gender Studies No.9
- March,2006
- Journal of Gender Studies No.8
- March,2005
Rhoda Unger, “Gender Issues from an Outsider Psychologist’s Perspective”
- Journal of Gender Studies No.7
- March,2004
Josephine Ho, “Trans-Sexuality: Bisexual Formations and the Limits of Categories”
- Journal of Gender Studies No.6
- March,2003
Vera Mackie, “Faces of Feminism in Transnational Media Space”
Carla Risseeuw, “A Retracting Welfare State : Some Reflections on the Issues of Citizenship and Family in Relation to the Dutch Care Policy”
- Journal of Gender Studies No.5
- March,2002
Tani E. Barlow, “Asia, Gender and Scholarship Under Processes of Re-regionalization”
Mirjana Morokvasic-Müller, “Post-Communist Migrations in Europe and Gender”
Pataya Ruenkaew, “Female Thai Migrants in Japan”
- Journal of Gender Studies No.4
- March,2001
Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, “Thinking through Queer Theory”
Patricia Uberoi and Tarini Bahadur, “The Woman’s Body in Midlife: Socio-Cultural and Medical Perspectives from South Asia”
- Journal of Gender Studies No.3
- March,2000
- Journal of Gender Studies No.2
- March,1999
- Journal of Gender Studies No.1
- March,1998