
IGS Research Project 2016


IGS Research Project 2016

:Research Representative

The New Middle Class and Gender in Asia

Researcher Mariko ADACHI (Professor)
Etsuko SAITO (IGS Researcher/Associate Professor, Ochanomizu Univeristy)
Kaoru KANAI (Saitama University)
Glenda S. ROBERTS (Waseda University)
Yoshie HORI (Keisen University)
Susan HIMMELWEIT (The Open University)
Outline This project is a continuation of Gender and the Emerging/Maturing Economic Societies in Asia since the Global Financial Crisis (Mariko Adachi, Principal Investigator), a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) project that ended in the preceding fiscal year.

The Social Enterprise and Gender

Researcher Mariko ADACHI (Professor)
Etsuko SAITO (IGS Researcher/Associate Professor, Ochanomizu Univeristy)
Susan HIMMELWEIT (The Open University)
T. YODA (Harvard University)
Outline In recent years, much attention has been paid to the relationship between social enterprise and gender. This research analyzes the relationship from several perspectives including concepts, policy concerns, and comparative systems.

Gender and Politics in East Asia

Researcher Ki-young SHIN (Associate Professor)
Members of Research Network on Gender and Diversity in Political Representation (GDRep)
Outline East Asia has attracted global attention as a region that has achieved economic development, but the path of development of political democracy is not uniform. Above all, Japan has the longest history of democracy, but also the lowest level of women’s participation in politics in the region. Taiwan, on the other hand, already had a high proportion of female members in the parliament before democratization, and the proportion has risen to well above 30 percent since democracy was introduced. In South Korea, as well, there has been a significant increase in female members of the national and local legislature in the dozen or so years since the early 2000s. The aim of the research is to undertake a comparative analysis by surveying both male and female legislators in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, to ask what factors improve or hinder women’s political representation in the East Asian countries, and how to put in place political systems that foster gender diversity.

Reexamining Liberal Feminism

Researcher Hiroaki ITAI (Project Lecturer)
Yoshifumi OZAWA (Kanagawa University)
Outline The purpose of this research project is to reexamine the ideas and movements that characterize liberal feminism, the first wave of feminism, which included Mary Wollstonecraft and John Stuart Mill. The general understanding is that liberal feminism must be overcome because it is premised on the public-private dualism of liberalism. However, the public-private spheres, as understood by liberalism, are not simply laissez-faire individualistic spaces, rather, they also justify intervention where injustice exists. This research aims to clarify matters by undertaking a textual analysis of The Subjection of Women by J. S. Mill, and to create momentum for a reexamination of liberal feminism by completing a new translation of The Subjection of Women.

Japanese-American Soldiers during the Korean War and Issues of Their Citizenship: Analysis from Gender and Ethnic Perspectives

Researcher Miyuki DAIMARUYA (Project Research Fellow)
Outline East Asia has attracted global attention as a region that has achieved economic development, but the path of development of political democracy is not uniform. Above all, Japan has the longest history of democracy, but also the lowest level of women’s participation in politics in the region. Taiwan, on the other hand, already had a high proportion of female members in the parliament before democratization, and the proportion has risen to well above 30 percent since democracy was introduced. In South Korea, as well, there has been a significant increase in female members of the national and local legislature in the dozen or so years since the early 2000s. The aim of the research is to undertake a comparative analysis by surveying both male and female legislators in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, to ask what factors improve or hinder women’s political representation in the East Asian countries, and how to put in place political systems that foster gender diversity.

The Relationship between Donor Offspring’s Welfare and Receptivity of Family Diversity in Society

Researcher Yukari SEMBA (Project Research Fellow)

In recent years, the numbers of infertile couples who are considering using donated sperm/eggs, or surrogate mothers has been increasing steadily. In some countries, the movement to seek legal permission for same-sex marriage has become active, and in recent years we often see cases in which same-sex couples, single men, and single women use donor conception to have children. In Japan as well, Shibuya and Setagaya wards in Tokyo, and Takarazuka city in Hyogo have started to provide certificates to same-sex couples as an official couple. Japan might come to have more demands for donor conception owing to the emergence of diverse family forms in the future.

In Japan, there are already more than 15,000 children born through sperm donation, and some of those children say that they would like to know the identity of the sperm donor. However, there is still no law or legislation regarding reproductive medicine and donor conception in Japan. While the necessity of such legislation is recognized, most experts hold negative views on providing the donor’s information to children. When same-sex couples, or single men or women use donor conception to have children in the future in Japan, donor children inevitably will find out that they have biological links to someone other than the parents who have raised them. If Japan still retains the donor anonymity regarding donor conception, more donor-conceived people may demand the right to know their own biological origin.

In some countries and regions around the world, the foundation for accepting family diversity has been established, and it is not unusual for same-sex couples or singles to have children using reproductive medicine. Many of these areas have legal guarantees of children’s right to know their biological origin. This research project will study laws and legislation concerning the parent-child relationship and reproductive medicine law in several countries, and then analyze the relationship between degree of social acceptance of family diversity and the donor-conceived children’s right to know their origin in each society.

Population Policy versus Women’s Reproductive Rights: Rethinking Government Support for Infertility Treatments in Japan and Korea


Yukari SEMBA (Project Research Fellow)
Jiso YOON. (JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow / Assistant Professor, University of Kansas)

Outline The availability of assisted reproductive technologies coincided with rapidly declining birthrates in Japan and Korea in recent years. This research focuses on government programs and policies to support infertility treatments as countermeasures to declining birthrates in the two countries, assessing the impact of infertility support policies and studying patients’ emotional distress from social pressure from gender perspectives.


 Specially Appointed Professor Research Project 2016

The Changing Context of Family Life and Early Childhood Education and Care in Japan


Susan D. Holloway (Specially Appointed Professor, IGS / Professor, University of California, Berkeley)


I will pursue ongoing three research themes below:
1) Work and family in international context
2) Being a mother in contemporary Japan
3) Early childhood education and care in contemporary Japan
Based on the outcomes of these researches, I will organize an International symposium, titled “,” and give a lecture at an English seminar, titled “.”

I will pursue the following three research themes:
1) Work and family in an international context
2) Being a mother in contemporary Japan
3) Early childhood education and care in contemporary Japan
Based on the outcomes of my research, I will organize an international symposium titled “Family, Work, and Well-Being in International Perspective,” and I will give a lecture titled “Family and Schooling in Contemporary Japan” at an English-language seminar.

New Religions and Gender in Japan

Researcher Erica Baffelli (Specially Appointed Professor, IGS / Senior Lecturer, The University of Manchester)

I will conduct the following three research projects:
1) New Religious Movements in Japan in the Modern Era
2) Women, Religion, and Violence
3) Religion in Japan
I will organize an international symposium titled “Women, Religion and Violence in International Perspective,” and I will invite a co-researcher as a keynote speaker. I will also give a lecture titled “Finding Your Place” that reflects on my research experience in Japan at an English-language seminar.

After Dark: The Nighttime in Nineteenth Century Japan

Researcher Laura Nenzi (Specially Appointed Professor, IGS / Professor, The University of Tennessee)
Outline This new research project analyses the perception of the night in early modern Japan, with a focus on the nineteenth century. It then situates late-Tokugawa Japan within a global context. Part of this project looks at the gendered implications of the night. In the realm of popular culture, gender informed the types of fears elicited by the night (e.g., female ghosts). For the authorities, controlling nighttime as well as its spaces and activities were a method for reinforcing the status system and maintaining social order. One method for maintain such control was the management of issues pertaining to gender. In Tokugawa Japan, controlling the nighttime necessitated the replication (and possibly even the reinforcement) of “daytime” norms pertaining to gender and patriarchy. When tensions erupted (as with the eejanaika phenomenon of 1867), the night became the time when the hetero-normative rules enforced during the day were called into question; during the nighttime, ambiguity took center stage, and unorthodox behaviors became possible.


External Funds 2016

Woman President and Women’s Political Representation in Politics: Park Geun-hye in South Korea

(JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) project, 26360042)

Period 2014 – 2017
Researcher Ki-young SHIN (Associate Professor)
Outline In South Korea, the 2012 elections resulted in a conservative government led by a female president (Park Geun-hye). Conservative governments have been singled out for supporting traditional gender norms that potentially undermine women’s substantial representation in politics. However, Park Geun-hye fought and won the elections with “woman” as her keyword. Taking Park Geun-hye’s tenure as the period of study, this research considers the impact of a conservative government led by a female president on women’s substantial representation by studying policies related to women, the political system, and changes in party election strategy in the 2016 national elections under the Park administration.

Women’s Political Participation: Surveys of Institutional and Social Factors

(JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) project, 15K03287)

Period 2015 – 2017
Researcher Ki-young SHIN(Associate Professor) [Co-investigator] Mari MIURA (Sophia University) [Principal Investigator]
Outline The purpose of the research is to clarify the causes of gender imbalance (women underrepresented/men overrepresented) in political representation, and how such imbalance is reproduced. We will carry out a comparative analysis of Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and New Zealand to elucidate the systemic and social factors that prescribe women’s political participation, and to clarify what kind of systemic reform and norm formation are linked to the elimination of underrepresentation.

Women’s Representation in Local Councils in Japan: The Case of the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly

(JSPS Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows, 15F15741

Period 2015 – 2016
Researcher Ki-young SHIN (Associate Professor)
Jiso YOON(JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow  / Assistant Professor, University of Kansas) [Foreign research Fellow]
Outline Despite being one of the most developed and democratized nations in the world, women’s political representation remains low in Japan. Yet, the percentage of women is significantly higher in local councils in comparison to the national parliament. Focusing on the case of the Tokyo metropolitan council, my project examines the specific kinds of strategies political parties and women’s rights advocates rely on and the consequences of such strategies on women’s representation. An additional goal of the project is to conduct comparative analysis of Japan and Korea—two countries representing distinct paths to women’s representation (e.g., quota and non-quota strategies). Focusing on Tokyo and Seoul metropolitan councils, I will examine how each strategy has shaped the number and type of legislators elected into office (descriptive representation) and the ways in which women’s interests are represented in local politics (substantive representation).

Service Experiences of Japanese-American Women during the Korean War Period: Analysis from Gender and Ethnic Perspectives

(The Takemura Fund for Feminist Research for Gender Equality and Justice)

Period July, 2015 – June, 2016
Researcher Miyuki DAIMARUYA (Project Research Fellow)
Outline Few historical studies of Japanese American Nisei (the second generation of Japanese) who served in the Korean War exist. However, the Korean War was an important moment for the rearmament of the U.S. military, characterized by a realignment of gender and ethnic policies in the context of the early Cold War. The military service of Nisei was also affected this realignment and, for example, Nisei men began to serve in multi-ethnic units from this period. The purpose of this research is to clarify the existence of rare Nisei female soldiers who volunteered in the Korean War and to research how their military service promoted their social progression as Nisei women during the 1950s. My research field is limited to the West Coast, mainly California. I mainly study female soldiers, but also deal with male soldiers who were both drafted and volunteered in order to perform comparative studies analyzing how gender differences affected the military service experience and the lives of veterans after returning their home from military duty.

Food Ethics and Utilitarianism: Morality, Practice, and Gender Norm

(JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 24530214)

Period 2012 – 2016
Researcher Hiroaki ITAI(Project Lecturer)
Outline The purpose of this research is to classify the recent discourse around food ethics from the perspective of utilitarian food ethics, and to indicate what food ethics should be. The research consists of two parts. The first part is a study of thought history in eighteenth century Britain, specifically, the differentiation and positioning of humans and animals. We will examine published texts as well as draft manuscripts held at the University College London and the Archives Nationales in France to study animal theory in eighteenth century Britain with a focus on Jeremy Bentham. With reference to the first part of the research, the second part will compare the reality and characteristics of the new food networks and movements in Britain, the United States, and Japan. We will examine the normative ethics on food in light of food and agriculture, food and the environment, and gender issues to present a proposal for advisable food ethics in the current global economic society. The project will consider issues such as the global food chain, the Slow Food movement, vegetarianism, and gender bias pertaining to food to indicate the possibilities for a utilitarian food ethics based on das Leidendes Wesen.

A Genealogy of Self-interest

(JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 15H03331)

Period 2015 – 2017
Researcher Hiroaki ITAI(Project Lecturer) [Co-Investigator] Masanori TAISHIDO (Toyo University) [Principal Investigator] et al.

This project aims to construct a genealogy of the concept of self-interest and examine its potential as an analytic tool. Economic theories have assumed self-interest to be the basic motivator of human behavior. In recent years, behavioral economics has revealed that several other factors, such as emotion and instinct, can motivate economic activities as well. These outcomes, however, have not yet led to the rewriting of economic theories. Moreover, self-interest is generally regarded as the motive force behind competition, and it is often regarded as the cause of people behaving unethically and immorally in the pursuit of goals. A thorough examination of a range of discussions on self-interest and the history of how each theorist developed their arguments reveals that such an understanding has not been consistent. Based on these factors, we explore two questions: how can we bring diversified arguments about self-interest into contemporary economic theories? Also, how can we develop a discussion over the pros and cons of competition?

Creating Teaching Materials to Guarantee the Right to Know the Origin of AID Children

(JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 16K12111

Period 2016 – 2019

Yukari SEMBA, (Project Research Fellow) [Co-Investigator] Kiyomi SHIMIZU (Josai International University) [Principal Investigator]

Outline In Japan, donor insemination has been performed for more than 60 years, and sperm donors should have been anonymous. However, there is a tendency to abolish gamete donor anonymity in other countries because of respect for donor offspring’s welfare. This research aims to create information material for intended parents and donors to learn the importance of securing a donor offspring’s right to know the origin of births.

Framework Construction of Gamete Donation in Japan: A Survey on Counseling and Recordkeeping of Involved Persons in Other Countries

[Research for standardization and long-term surveillance of assisted reproduction, Project for Baby and Infant Research of Health and Development to Adolescent and Young Adult, Japan Agency for Medical research and Development]
Period 2016 – 2017

Minoru IRAHARA (Professor, Tokushima University) [Principal Researcher] Naoaki KUJI (Professor, Tokyo Medical University) [Co-investigator] Yukari SEMBA (Project Research Fellow) [research Collaborator]

Outline When parents who used donor insemination (DI) do not allow or disclose any relationship between biological father and child, several cases have proven that the parent–child relationship is adversely affected when the children accidentally discovered the truth regarding their conception. The study focuses on DI families in Japan and overseas, investigates why it is important for DI families to accept the truth of family building through DI, and establishes healthy family relationship without any frustration caused by non-biological connection in the family.

Military Service and Social Participation of Japanese-American Korean War Soldiers: From Gender and Ethnic Perspectives

(JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), 16K16670

Period 2016 – 2018
Researcher Miyuki DAIMARUYA (Project Research Fellow)
Outline This project sheds lights on second-generation Japanese-Americans (nisei) who served in the United States military during the Korean War (1950–1953) from the perspectives of gender and ethnicity. This project analyzes the changes in second-generation Japanese-Americans’ social status before and after their military service.
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