Events 2017

22 JAN, Seminar “The Implications of ARTs on Family and Kinship in… “

IGS Seminar, The Implications of ARTs on Family and Kinship in Iran: The Case of Third Party Gamete Donation

Date: Monday 22 JAN, 2018,  18:00-20:00
Venue: Room 135, Main Building, Ochanomizu University

Soraya Tremayne, Founding Director, Fertility and Reproduction Studies Group, University of Oxford.

Sachiko Hosoya, Research Fellow, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.

Yukari Semba, Project Research Fellow, IGS, Ochanomizu University.

*Prior registration required  ☛Registration Form
(Admission Free)

Organizer: Institute for Gender Studies, Ochanomizu University, Towards the construction of ‘Islam & Gender Studies’: Building foundations for comprehensive discussion on gender justice and Islam(Grants-in-aid for Research/Basic Research A)