
20 Dec, International symposium “Reproductive Justice …”

2022.12.20 IGS international symposium “Reproductive Justice in the Era of Political Backlash”

Date December 20, 2022(Tue)
Venue Online Zoom Webinar
Registration Zoom Registration form
*Admission Free.
*On-site participation will be limited to faculty members and students of Ochanomizu University
Language Japanese and English
(simultaneous interpretation will be provided)
Interpreter Naoki Matsumura (Colts Works)
Organizer Institute for Gender Studies (IGS)  Ochanomizu University
Co-organizer Institute for Global Leadership (IGL) Ochanomizu University
The All Nippon Diversity Network (Tokyo)


Opening (16:00-16:10)
Opening remarks: Shin, Ki-young (Ochanomizu University)

Part I: Panel Presentation (16:10-17:00)

Ikemoto, Lisa C.
(University of California-Davis School of Law)
“Reproductive Rights and Justice in the U.S. After Roe and Dobbs”

Iwamoto, Misako (Mie University)
“Political Right & Religious Right and Anti-Reproductive Rights in Japan”

Paik, Young-Gyung (Jeju National University)
“Whither Reproductive and Sexual Rights: The Changing Paradigms of Women’s Health Movements in South Korea”

Break (17:00-17:10)

Part II: Comments and Discussion / Q&A  (17:10-19:05)

Iino, Yuriko (University of Tokyo)
Takaya, Sachi (University of Tokyo)
Ohashi, Yukako (SOSHIREN(Women’s Network for Reproductive Freedom))
Hogetsu, Rie (Ochanomizu University)

Moderator: Motoyama, Hisako (Ochanomizu University)

Closing Remarks: Shin, Ki-Young (Ochanomizu University)