Instructions for Authors
Instructions for Authors
Journal of Gender Studies – Ochanomizu University
Submitted manuscripts should contribute to scholarly research concerning women’s studies or gender studies.
Authors submitting manuscripts should be engaged in interdisciplinary research concerning women’s studies or gender studies in Japan or other countries, and must already have a master’s degree.
Submitted manuscripts should not have been published previously. Should plagiarism or duplicate submission be identified, the editorial board will apply the sanctions according to the severity of the infraction.
In principle, submitted manuscripts should be written in Japanese or English. Manuscripts written in other languages may also be considered by the editorial board.
In principle, manuscripts should not exceed 20,000 characters (submission in Japanese) or 8,500 words (submission in English), including footnotes, tables/figures/illustrations, and references. The Journal editor will reject submitted manuscripts which do not follow the instructions for authors.
Each figure/ table/ illustration is counted as 200 words. Figures, tables, and illustrations requiring a full page are considered as 400 words.
At the time of submission, the following items should be prepared as separate files. Items 6-1 to 6-3 should be prepared as MS Word files:
6-1. A title page, with the manuscript title (including a subtitle), the name(s) of submitting author(s), and author affiliation(s), all written in both Japanese and English. Please note that the English title, etc. may be modified by the editorial office.
6-2. An abstract in English not exceeding 200 words and keywords (maximum of five), in both Japanese and English, with the Japanese keywords placed immediately after the Japanese abstract and the English keywords placed immediately after the English abstract.
6-3. Main body of the text with notes and references.
6-4. Tables and figures. Tables should be prepared in MS Word/Excel files, and photographs in JPEG files.
Any information that could identify the author(s) (acknowledgments, JSPS project number, etc) should not be included except in 6-1.
Prior to submission of manuscripts, pre-entry is required from the entry forms available at the Institute of Gender Studies website. There is no problem with cancelling submission after pre-entry or making slight changes to titles or abstracts.
Manuscripts should be submitted from the submission forms available at the Institute of Gender Studies website, with all the required information:
Japanese submission form –
English submission form –
If figures, tables, or photographs reproduced from published literature are included in a submitted manuscript, the authors are responsible for following the necessary procedures to obtain permission for publication and the relevant expenses are borne by the authors themselves.
The main text, quotations, references, and footnotes should conform to the separate Author Guideline of the Journal of Gender Studies. For English papers, Style Sheet for Journal of Gender Studies should also be consulted.
The editorial board will decide whether a submitted manuscript will be accepted for publication after review by journal referees. However, the editorial board will reject a submitted manuscript which does not match the purpose or the academic standard of the journal.
The editorial board may ask the authors to revise a submitted manuscript after review by referees. In this case, the submitting authors are encouraged to revise the manuscript promptly and submit the revised version with a review comments table by email.
Authors are entitled to check galley proofs twice at most.
If the authors wish to withdraw a submitted manuscript at any point in the process, the editorial board should be notified immediately.
There are normally no manuscript fees or page charges for submitted manuscripts. However, the authors may be required to pay costs for a manuscript that contains numerous figures, tables, photographs, etc.
The copyright of manuscripts published in the Journal belongs to the Institute for Gender Studies, Ochanomizu University. Permission from the editorial board is necessary before reproducing any article published in the journal.
*Last update: January 16, 2024
Style Sheet for Journal of Gender Studies
Style sheet for Journal of Gender Studies
As a general rule, the Journal of Gender Studies follows the Chicago reference style. However, different styles may be applied depending on the field of research. Please consult with the editorial team if there is a specific style that authors would like to follow.
Authors should pay particular attention to the accuracy and correct presentation of references (see below). In-text references should be cited by giving the author’s name, year of publication and specific page numbers after a direct quotation (Smith 1999: 5-6). In-text lists of references should be in chronological order. A reference list should appear at the end of the article and should include only those references cited in the text. References should be arranged alphabetically by author, and chronologically for each author. Publications for the same author appearing in a single year should use e.g. 2001a, b, c, etc. Where there are more than two authors, the reference within the text should be cited as Smith et al. and the date, but include all the authors in the reference list.
Elshtain, Jean Bethke. 1981. Public Man, Private Woman: Women in Social and Political Thought. Princeton University Press.
Dolan, Julie, Melissa Deckman, and Michele L. Swers. 2017. Women and Politics: Paths to Power and Political Influence, 3rd revised edition. Rowman & Littlefield.
Duerst-Lahti, Georgia, and Rita Mae Kelly, eds. 1995. Gender Power, Leadership, and Governance. University of Michigan Press.
Carroll, Susan J. 2006. “Voting Choices: Meet You at the Gender Gap.” in Susan J. Carroll and Richard L. Fox, eds.Gender and Elections: Shaping the Future of American Politics. Cambridge University Press: 74-96.
Gallagher, Sally. 2004. “Where are the Antifeminist Evangelicals?” Gender & Society, 18(4): 451-472.
Hyndman, Jennifer, and Wenona Giles. 2011. “Waiting for What? ‑e Feminization of Asylum in Protracted Situations.” Gender, Place & Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography, 18(3): 361-379.
Washington Post, “Exit Poll Results: How Different Groups of Virginians Voted,” November 8 2017.
Tesler, Michael, 2016, “Why the Gender Gap Doomed Hillary Clinton,” Washington Post. November 9. (Accessed December 20, 2017).
Wall Street Journal, (2017.January 22), Women’s March Floods Washington (Video file), November.11,2018).
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, 2013, Hataraku josei no jitsujō, (Accessed on 30 January 30, 2018).
Korean National Election Commission, 2013, Overview of the 18th Presidential Election, (Accessed May 4, 2018)(in Korean).
Figures and Tables (see below) should have corresponding parenthetical “call‐outs” at relevant places in the text that direct readers’ attention to the image or the table.
Footnotes should be avoided, or at least kept to a minimum. They should be indicated in the text by superscript figures and collected at the end of the article in numerical order.
Application Closed
- Inquiries:
Editorial Office, The Journal of Gender Studies, Institute for Gender Studies, Ochanomizu University