
IGS Research Project 2024

IGS Research Project 2024


Gender and Politics in East Asia

Researcher Ki-young Shin (Professor, IGS)
Mari Miura (Professor, Sophia University)
Jackie Steele (Designated Associate Professor, Nagoya University)

Feminist Analysis of Ecology and Survival in East Asia

Researcher Fumie Ohashi (Associate Professor, IGS)

Gender Analysis of Capital, Body and Mobility

Researcher Fumie Ohashi (Associate Professor, IGS)
Mariko Adachi (Visiting Researcher, IGS)
Hiroaki Itai (Affiliated Researcher, IGS/Associate Professor, Senshu University)

Gender Analysis of Sex, Body, and Reproduction

Researcher Nina Takemoto (Project Lecturer, IGS)

Gender Analysis in the History of Anti-pollution/environmental Movements

Researcher Niina Takemoto (Project Lecturer, IGS)

Gender in the Transformation of Global Governance and the Restructuring of Nations

Researcher Hisako Motoyama (Project Research Fellow, IGS)

Literary/artistic Cultural Representation and Gender

Researcher Yoko Totani (Director, IGS)

External Funds 2023

Working Conditions and Agency of Migrant Female Domestic and Care Workers in Japan

[JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 23H00888]
Period 2023 – 2025

Aya Sadamatsu (Keisen University) [Principal Investigator] Fumie Ohashi (Associate Professor, IGS) [Co-investigator] Keiko Hirano (Yokohama National University, Affiliated Researcher, IGS) [Co-investigator]

Constructing a New Theory of the State through Feminist Theory: From the Concept of Care and the Resonception of Security

[JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 23H03654]

Period 2023 – 2026
Researcher Ki-young Shin (Professor, IGS) [Co-Investigator] 
Hisako Motoyama (Project Research Fellow, IGS) [Co-Investigator] 
Yayo Okano (Professor, Doshisha University) [Principal Investigator]

Changes in Life Order and Gender in Rural China During the People’s Commune Period

[JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 21KK0033]
Period 2021 – 2024

Fumie Ohashi (Associate Professor, IGS) [Co-Investigator] 
Tadashi Horiguchi (Professor, Osaka Metropolitan University) [Principal Investigator]

Migrant Women and the Reproductive Sphere in Hong Kong: Gender Analysis of Hong Kong as a Global City

[JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 19K12603]
Period 2019 – 2021
Researcher Fumie Ohashi (Associate Professor, IGS)

Exploring Aspects of Mobility, Sex, and Power in “Karayuki-san”

[JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 23K11676]
Period 2023 – 2025
Researcher Niina Takemoto (Project Lecturer, IGS)

Imagining Slavery: Studies on Dynamics over the Mediterranian-type of Slavery

[JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 24H00106]
Period 2023 – 2025

Niina Takemoto (Project Lecturer, IGS) [Co-Investigator] 
Kazuhiro Shimizu (Kyusyu University) [Principal Investigator]

Development of Japan’s Pro-Gender Diplomacy: Analysis from the Perspectives of Security, Governance, and Colonialism

[JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 23K17134]

Period 2023 – 2027
Researcher Hisako Motoyama (Project Research Fellow, IGS)

Norway-Japan: Bridging Research and Education in Gender Equality and Diversity

[Norway Research Council, INTPART, 287699

Period 2019 – 2021
Researcher Masako Ishii-kuntz (Trustee and Vice President, Ochanomizu University)
Ryoko Kodama (Professor, Ochanomizu University/Researcher, IGS)
Yoko Totani (Director, IGS/Professor, Ochanomizu University)
Yukari Semba (Project Lecturer, IGS)
Kumi Yoshihara (Project Research Fellow, IGS)
Junko Sano (Project Lecturer, Keio University/Affiliated Researcher, IGS)
Derek Kenji Pinillos Matsuda (Lecturer, Center for International Education)
The Center for Gender Studies, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

A collaborative project with the Center for Gender Studies of NTNU. This project analyzes the current state of gender equality and diversity in Norway and Japan, considering the social, cultural, historical and political backgrounds of both countries. The aim of the project is to develop new perspectives for researching gender and diversity issues through comparative understanding of the differences and similarities of the two societies. Individual research projects are organized according to members’ research interests.