Two MA students from the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Thailand visited IGS to participate in the program which is based on an agreement on students’ exchange in the field of “Gender and Development” between Ochanomizu University and AIT, from August 28 to September 5. They also visited the Global Collaboration Center, Institute for Global Leadership, Japan Fisheries Association, NPO Rainbow Action and Human Rights Watch Japan with graduate students of Ochanomizu University to understand the situation that Japanese women or sexual minorities are in. The program’s workshop was held on September 2 at IGS. Dr. ITAI, Project Lecture of IGS, briefly lectured on gender inequality in Japan, and two MA students from AIT reported their research projects.
Mr. Khamnuan Kheuntha’s presentaion: “The Adaptability to Shock in Small-scale Fishing Community: Case Studies Bang Ya Preak sub-district, Samut Sakorn province”.
Ms. Chitrakshi Vashisht’s paresentation: “”Invisible Transgender Victims” of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV):- study of legal and alternative support available for them in India”.
Photo at Workshop(2 SEP)

Baraniak Zuzanna(PhD Student/ Coordinator), Khamnuan Kheuntha, SATO Kie(MA Student), and ITAI Hiroaki(Teacher for this program) from the back row right.