
6/16 【学内向け】Seminar “Family and Schooling in Contemporary Japan”

20160616aout【学内向け】IGS Seminar: “Family and Schooling in Contemporary Japan: Foreign Perspectives and Research”

 *The lecture will be in English.

講師:Susan D. Holloway スーザン・D・ハロウェイ (IGS特別招聘教授/カリフォルニア大学バークレー校教授)

コーディネーター:Masako Ishii-Kuntz 石井クンツ昌子 (お茶の水女子大学基幹研究院教授/ジェンダー研究所長)

“My presentation will examine three questions related to family and schooling that have caught the attention of foreign scholars over the nearly four decades that I have been conducting research in Japan. The first question asked why Japanese students were achieving such high scores in mathematics on international comparative studies during the late 1970s and early 1980s. The second question asked whether “collectivistic” social norms were responsible for the low incidence of mental health problems, family dissolution, and juvenile crime in Japan. The third theme asked whether “traditional” gender roles were uniformly accepted and enacted throughout Japanese society, with positive effects on the institution of marriage and, indirectly, on the economy. I will frame the initial perceptions that gave rise to these foreign representations of Japan, as well as the subsequent research that attempted to explore them. I will argue that in each case, simplistic and exoticized representations were eventually replaced with nuanced approaches that acknowledged the complex and contested nature of family and schooling in Japan.”
