
2/8 【学内向け】セミナー「ミレニアル舞妓」

Millennial Maiko:The Geisha Apprentice in Japanese Popular Culture


Images of maiko (apprentice geisha) greet tourists at many sites in Kyoto, embodying the ancient Japanese capital in its cutest, most welcoming form. Although only about seventy-five young women work as apprentices today, representations of maiko abound in the city. Perky maiko decorate maps, menus, and city posters, and morph into post-it notes, hand towels, and even cappuccino designs. Avid fans of maiko go to photo studios in Kyoto where they can be costumed as maiko themselves. This cos-play attracts Japanese and international tourists of all ages. Unlike the revered artifacts and heroes of Kyoto’s past, the maiko inspire play. How does the maiko as Cool Japan and Kyoto kawaii (cute) frame “old Japan” itself as an inviting consumable? Why has the teenage maiko displaced the geisha as Kyoto fantasy femme? And what do we learn about girlhood in millennial Japan as we analyze this good-girl image?


ジャン・バーズレイ (ジェンダー研究所特別招聘教授/ノースカロライナ大学チャペルヒル校アジア学教授)


参加申込(本学教職員、院生、研究生、学部生) 申込フォーム

