For Love or Money? Current Issues in the Economics of Care.
A Study of Gender Perspective from the Viewpoints of Putnam’s Internal Realism and Laudan’s Reticulated Model【JP】
A Gender Analysis of Skill Transfers by a Japanese Ready-made Garments Multinational Corporation after the Global Financial Crisis: Case Study of Japan, China and Bangladesh【JP】
The Experiences of a Female Doctoral Student Abroad: Feeling the Gap【JP】
Homosociality and Homosexuality in Edward II’s Court【JP】
A Study on the Characteristics of Korean Women’s International Migration Focused on Cases of Migration to Japan Since the 1980s【JP】
Women’s Micro-business Creation for Women’s Empowerment or Family’sWelfare? Case of Nepalese Rural Women
Translation and Commentary
Simone de Beauvoir ou les chemins de la liberté【JP】
Book Précis
Frances Olsen, Hō no Seibetsu: Kindai-hō Kōshi Nigenron wo Koete(The Sex of Law: How the Public/Private Dichotomy Reinforces Gender Inequality)【JP】