Events 2015

7/31 IGS Seminar: Reserved for Whom?

20150731第 6 回「政党行動と政治制度」研究会
Reserved for Whom? The Electoral Impact of Gender Quotas in Taiwan

会場お茶の水女子大学 人間文化研究棟 6 階大会議室

Abstract Since the 1990s, gender quotas in elections have become a global phenomenon. One of the issues raised about gender quotas concerns the qualifications of quota women. Previous study on the French Parity Law’s experience shows quota women are as competent as or even more competent than non-quota women or non-quota men. The comparison, however, is about average qualifications among these groups since the French electoral system is proportional representation. Under proportional representation, it is impossible to know whom a quota woman actually replaced.
Concerning qualifications, if there is a comparison between a woman who obtains the seat and the man she unseats, then the comparison could offer a better insight into this issue. Taiwan’s electoral system allows such comparisons because Taiwan used reserved seats with a SNTV-MMD (single non-transferrable vote with multi-member district) electoral system in its local elections.
Based on the outcomes of Taiwan’s recent three local elections, this paper provides a direct comparison of qualifications between women who are elected through reserved seats and the men they unseated. The results show that the majority of women elected through the reserved seats have equal or better qualifications than the men they unseated. Also, increasing reserved seats or gender quotas enhance not only women’s political participation but also political competition.



  • Speaker: Huang, Chang-Ling(Taiwan National University)
  • Moderator: Ki-young Shin (Ochanomizu University)
  • Discussants: Jackie Steele (Tokyo University), Mari Miura (Sophia University)

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